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点击数:604    时间:2024-11-30

本文摘要:It may look all shiny and new, but your smartphone is probably one of the filthiest things you own. The amount of bacteria and germs it carries is disgustingly huge, which is probably why a Japanese company is targeting germaphobes with the worlds first washable phone.你的手机有可能看上去闪闪发光跟新的一样,但只不过他有可能是你最脏的东西。

It may look all shiny and new, but your smartphone is probably one of the filthiest things you own. The amount of bacteria and germs it carries is disgustingly huge, which is probably why a Japanese company is targeting germaphobes with the worlds first washable phone.你的手机有可能看上去闪闪发光跟新的一样,但只不过他有可能是你最脏的东西。手机装载的细菌和病菌多到令人作呕,这有可能就是为什么日本一家公司致力于生产世界上第一台可水洗的手机。The Snapdragon 410 processor, 5-inch android phone, called Digno Rafre, is all set to be released in Japan by tech company Kyocera Telecom this week. Its USP is that its waterproof and soap resistant, so it can be thoroughly washed under running water. Theres no risk of water entering the device because its entirely sealed to keep water and bubbles from getting in. It doesnt even have a speaker, relying instead on a Smart Sonic receiver that transmits sound through vibrations on the phones screen. The built-in 13MP camera is also waterproof.配有骁龙410处理器,这款5英寸的安卓手机,取名为Digno Rafre,由京瓷科技将于本周发售。


它内置的1300万像素主摄像头也是透气的。Apart from being washable, the phone is also ideal for kids, for people who are clumsy and keep dropping their phones everywhere, or like to take bathtub selfies. It even comes with a special rubber duck-shaped floating stand. To wash the phone, the company suggests gently rubbing soap foam all over it before thoroughly rinsing it with plain water. And, as an added bonus, theres no danger of scratching the phone, because its plastic back cover is supposed to be self-healing.除了可以水洗,该手机对孩子、粗心的人、四处乱放手机的人或者讨厌在浴缸自拍的人而言也是十分理想的。它甚至装有一个类似的橡胶鸭形下潜器。

清除手机时,该公司建议在用水冲洗前,保守地在手机全身甩上肥皂泡沫。还有一个可选福利,该手机没抓坏的危险性,因为它的塑料后盖可以治愈。Digno Rafre, which comes with 16GB storage, 2GB RAM, and a 2MP front camera is priced at ¥57,420 (about $467), but it isnt available for purchase outside of Japan. The company has announced no plans of releasing the gadget in foreign markets, but if interest is high enough, who knows?Digno Rafre配有16G内存,2G RAM,前置200万像素,售价57420日元(约合2975人民币),但只仅限于日本国内出售。




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