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点击数:626    时间:2024-12-29

本文摘要:Negotiations between Lenovo and IBM over a multi-billion dollar deal under which Lenovo would acquire parts of IBMs server business have broken down, according to people familiar with the situation.据知情人士透漏,误解(Lenovo)与IBM就误解以数十亿美元并购IBM部分服务器业务的交易谈判早已裂痕。

Negotiations between Lenovo and IBM over a multi-billion dollar deal under which Lenovo would acquire parts of IBMs server business have broken down, according to people familiar with the situation.据知情人士透漏,误解(Lenovo)与IBM就误解以数十亿美元并购IBM部分服务器业务的交易谈判早已裂痕。While the discussions could resume, they were halted over valuation concerns, according to a person familiar with the talks.知情人士称之为,尽管双方的谈判可能会再次完全恢复,但目前已因为价格问题而宣告完结。Spokespeople for Lenovo and IBM (IBM) declined to comment.目前,误解和IBM的发言人都并未就上述传闻置评。

News of the negotiations surfaced last month in various publications and were confirmed byFortune. Bloomberg put the value of the potential deal, which would cover IBMs sale of its so-called x86 server business, at between $2.5 billion and $4.5 billion. Others suggested IBM was seeking as much as $6 billion. Lenovo is said to have balked at the price tag for the business, which generates close to $5 billion in sales, or about a third of IBMs overall server revenue, according to estimates.上个月,有关双方交易谈判的传闻开始经常出现在各大媒体,而且这个消息也获得了《财富》杂志(Fortune)的证实。彭博社(Bloomberg)指出,IBM打算卖给误解的的x86服务器业务价值应当在在25亿美元到45亿美元之间。其它一些媒体则声称,IBM谋求的交易价格为60亿美元。


Lenovo, the worlds No. 2 computer maker behind HP (HPQ), has been seeking to bolster its server business. The x86 servers, which represent the lower end of the server business, would allow Lenovo to compete more effectively with HP and Dell (DELL).误解目前是次于惠普(HP)的全球第二大电脑制造商,仍然期望需要反对自身服务器业务的发展。虽然x86服务器目前仍是低端服务器业务,但它可以协助误解与惠普和戴尔(Dell)进行竞争。Lenovo, which in 2005 bought IBMs PC business, has been growing faster than rivals for the last few years. In the most recent quarter, which saw the worst decline in PC sales in the industrys history, Lenovo was the only one of the major computer makers to hold its ground, according to research firm IDC. The company has also expanded into smartphones and tablets.2005年,误解并购了IBM的PC业务。




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