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点击数:712    时间:2024-10-08

本文摘要:Apple is closing in on its largest ever acquisition with the planned $3.2bn purchase of Beats Electronics, the headphone maker and music streaming operator founded by music producer Jimmy Iovine and the hip-hop star Dr Dre.苹果(Apple)已相似以32亿美元的价格并购Beats Electronics,这将沦为该公司历史上规模仅次于的并购。

Apple is closing in on its largest ever acquisition with the planned $3.2bn purchase of Beats Electronics, the headphone maker and music streaming operator founded by music producer Jimmy Iovine and the hip-hop star Dr Dre.苹果(Apple)已相似以32亿美元的价格并购Beats Electronics,这将沦为该公司历史上规模仅次于的并购。Beats Electronics是由音乐制作人吉米艾欧文(Jimmy Iovine)和嘻哈歌手Dr Dre创立的耳机制造商及音乐流媒体运营商。

The deal could be announced as early as next week, people familiar with the negotiations said, but they cautioned that some details had yet to be agreed and talks could still fall apart.对涉及磋商知情的人士称之为,该交易最先有可能于下周发布,不过他们警告说道,目前部分细节仍并未定案,谈判仍有裂痕的有可能。A deal on the scale being discussed would represent a radical departure for Tim Cook, chief executive of the iPhone maker: under the late Steve Jobs, Apple was reluctant to pursue high-profile acquisitions.这一正在磋商中的交易规模如此之大,也许指出苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)正在考虑到保守的战略改向——在胞弟的史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)当家的时代,苹果很少进行如此大规模的并购。Apple will acquire Beats’ streaming music service, which launched this year, and its audio equipment business, which includes its brand of headphones and audio equipment. The Beats management team will report to Mr Cook, said people familiar with the deal. Apple and Beats declined to comment.知情人士称之为,苹果将并购Beats今年发售的音乐流媒体服务,以及它的音响设备业务——还包括该品牌的耳机。

并购顺利后,Beats团队将向库克汇报。对这一消息,苹果和Beats都拒绝接受置评。A decade after Mr Jobs transformed the music industry with the iTunes download store and the iPod digital music player, the deal is likely to be seen as an admission that Apple needs to look outside its Cupertino labs to continue making an impact.乔布斯身前以iTunesiTunes商店和iPod数字化音乐播放器转变了整个音乐产业。外界很有可能将十年之后苹果公司进行的这场并购理解为,苹果自己也否认,必需把眼光放到它自己的库比蒂诺实验室之外,才能保持自己的影响力。

While Beats commands a leading position in the premium headphone market, its real value to Apple is in revitalising its “cool” at a time when iTunes has waned in popularity and Samsung’s marketing campaigns have savaged the iPhone’s brand.尽管Beats在高档耳机市场正处于领先地位,但对苹果来说,它确实的价值在于它能再度为苹果带给那种“酷炫”的感觉。苹果iTunes人气最近有所上升,而三星(Samsung)反感的市场攻势也威胁到苹果的iPhone品牌。Apple executives have admitted that its brand is in need of a revamp. Internal emails released during its recent patent trial with Samsung showed that its marketing chief Phil Schiller considered changing Apple’s ad agency after the success of its Korean rival’s “next big thing” campaign.苹果高管曾否认,公司必须重塑品牌形象。

苹果最近与三星的专利案庭审中,曾发布多份苹果内部电子邮件。这些邮件表明,在三星的“Next Big Thing”营销战略大获得顺利后,苹果市场营销总监菲尔席勒(Phil Schiller)曾考虑到替换苹果的广告代理商。

Apple is paying a hefty premium for cool: Beats took a $500m investment from Carlyle in September 2013 that valued the company at more than $1bn. “In terms of acquisitions, Apple has been very, very light in their activity,” said Richard Lane, analyst at Moody’s. “I don’t think they’ve spent $1bn in any of the last four years.”为了这种“酷炫”感觉,苹果将代价高昂代价:2013年9月,Beats曾从凯雷(Carlyle)取得5亿美元投资,让公司市值高达10亿美元以上。穆迪(Moodys)分析师理查德莱恩(Richard Lane)回应:“在并购方面,苹果的手笔仍然以来都较小。

我想要过去4年里,从没哪一年他们在并购上花费过10亿美元。”Mr Cook said last month Apple was “on the prowl” for more acquisitions, after buying 24 companies in the past 18 months and he was not averse to large acquisitions.上月库克回应,在过去18个月并购24家企业之后,苹果“正在考虑到”积极开展更加多并购,并回应他对于大规模并购并不不满。

The Beats move follows a string of high-priced deals in Silicon Valley, after Google acquired smart home developer Nest Labs for $3.2bn and Facebook offered an initial $19bn for WhatsApp Messenger.并购Beats的动机之一有可能是人们在音乐消费方式上经常出现的变化。根据全球音乐产业协会国际唱片业协会(IFPI)最近一份报告,音乐产业内快速增长最慢的是订阅者服务,这类服务的营收在2013年快速增长了50%,超过11亿美元。One motivation for the Beats deal may lie in shifts in music consumption. Subscription services are the biggest growth area for the music industry, with revenues increasing 50 per cent to $1.1bn in 2013, according to a recent report by the IFPI, the global music industry association.而另一方面,音乐iTunes业务的营收却暴跌了2%,至39.3亿美元——这是2003年苹果发售iTunes商店后首次经常出现年度暴跌。

目前,iTunes音乐iTunes服务的规模仍是全球仅次于的。But downloads fell 2 per cent to $3.93bn – the first annual decline since Apple launched its iTunes store in 2003. iTunes is still the world’s largest music download service.苹果也曾试着发售音乐流媒体服务,不过未曾发售过不限量的订阅者服务。而iTunes的竞争对手,还包括快速增长的Spotify,则获取不限量订阅者服务。

Apple has dabbled in music streaming but never launched an unlimited subscription service to compete with fast-growing rivals to iTunes such as Spotify.2009年苹果并购了音乐流媒体服务商Lala。去年苹果还曾发售iTunes Radio,这一服务与Beats旗下的部分业务以及Pandora等其他更加成熟期的播放器不存在竞争关系。

In 2009 it acquired Lala, a music streaming service, and last year launched iTunes Radio, which competes with elements of Beats, as well as more established players such as Pandora.Beats的耳机等设备,被视为极具初创性的“可穿着技术”。在苹果为发售“iWatch”智能手表作准备的过程中,它的设计师和工程师也能从Beats的多年经验中受益。Mr Iovine and Dr Dre – real name Andre Young – were inspired to create Beats by the poor sound quality of the headphones bundled with the iPod and iPhone. Beloved by music and sports stars Beats has become a street-smart fashion brand不过,这比高额并购很可能会让人们批评,在2011年乔布斯去世之后,苹果否还享有内部创新能力。Ahead of Apple’s expected launch of an ‘iWatch’ accessory, Beats will also give its designers and engineers access to years of experience in what some see as the original “wearable technology”.截至3月底,扣减苹果去年筹措的170亿美元债务之后,它在全球持有人的现金总额为1330亿美元。




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