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点击数:912    时间:2025-01-21

本文摘要:China announced last Sunday it has launched a plan to better monitor and control smog at key regions through satellite remote sensing.上周日,我国宣告启动通过卫星遥测强化对重点区域的雾霾监管的计划。

China announced last Sunday it has launched a plan to better monitor and control smog at key regions through satellite remote sensing.上周日,我国宣告启动通过卫星遥测强化对重点区域的雾霾监管的计划。The Ministry of Ecology and Environment said a grid network to monitor the density of PM 2.5, a major pollutant in the atmosphere, will gradually cover Beijing, Tianjin and 26 cities in nearby provinces, and 11 cities on the Fenhe and Weihe river plains, as well as 41 cities on the Yangtze River Delta.生态环境部称,监测大气主要污染物PM2.5浓度的网格网络将逐步覆盖面积北京、天津及周边省份的26城市、汾渭平原11城市以及长三角41城市。With technologies, including remote sensing, authorities in the Beijing headquarters can discover environmental problems in faraway regions quickly and direct immediate actions, according to Zhao Qunying, an official in charge of environmental supervision at the ministry.生态环境部环境监察官员赵群英回应,通过遥测等技术手段,北京指挥部可以及时发现远在千里之外的地区的环境问题、命令立刻采取行动。

This can improve the efficiency of regulation and address the problem of inadequate enforcement personnel for the broad regions under scrutiny, Zhao said.赵群英说:“这可以提升监管效能,解决问题监管区域大、执法人员数量严重不足的问题。”Regions covered by the network will be divided into grid units each measuring 3 km by 3 km. Units with relatively high density of PM 2.5 are listed as key areas to watch.该网络覆盖的地区将被区分为3000米×3000米的网格,PM2.5浓度较高的网格作为重点监测区域。By October, Beijing, Tianjin and nearby cities will be included into the network. Cities on the Fenhe and Weihe river plains will be covered starting from October, while those on the Yangtze River Delta will be covered from February 2019, according to Zhao.据赵群英透漏,今年10月前,北京、天津和周边的城市将被划入该网络。




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