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点击数:240    时间:2025-01-17

本文摘要:Russia has accused American technology giant Apple Inc. of allegedly fixing retail prices of its iPhones in the country.俄罗斯日前指控美国科技巨头苹果公司在该国市场销售iPhone产品期间串谋定价。

Russia has accused American technology giant Apple Inc. of allegedly fixing retail prices of its iPhones in the country.俄罗斯日前指控美国科技巨头苹果公司在该国市场销售iPhone产品期间串谋定价。Russias Federal Anti-monopoly Service (FAS) said last Monday an investigation found that retailers set identical prices for iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and other iPhone models and kept the prices at that level for a certain period of time.俄罗斯联邦反垄断署上周一宣告,调查找到,销售商给苹果iPhone 6s手机,iPhone 6s plus手机和其它型号的手机“相同统一零售价”,并在很长一段时间内维持某种程度的价格。Targets of the investigation are Apples Russian operation, known as Apple Rus, Apple Inc., three other Apple business entities and 16 of the companys primary resellers in Russia.这一调查的目标是苹果公司的俄罗斯分部,也就是人们熟悉的“Apple Rus”公司,还有苹果公司、另外三家苹果商企和16家苹果在俄罗斯的主要代理商。MTS, one of the resellers targeted by FAS, declined a request for comment. Another firm, Euroset, denied allegations of price fixing.俄联邦反垄断局针对的代理商之一MTS拒绝接受早已公开发表评论。

另一家公司Euroset坚称了禁售的指控。Apple, which was not immediately available for comment, has previously been the target of a Russian price-fixing investigation. As a result of the probe, two Russian mobile businesses were fined for fixing prices for iPhone 4.苹果公司没立刻对此事做出对此,该公司之前仍然是俄罗斯反垄断机构调查的对象。

调查的结果是,两家俄罗斯公司因为独占iPhone 4的价格而被罚款。FAS said it launched the investigation in response to a complaint from a consumer who noticed the prices remain unchanged since the 2015 introduction of the two new models in Russia.联邦反垄断署声称,这次开展调查是因为一名消费者责怪称之为,这两款手机自2015年引入俄罗斯之后,价格就没逆过。



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