— 荣誉资质 —
点击数:953 时间:2025-01-18
A talking, singing fem-bot with 65 facial expressions wowed crowds in China, the Daily Mail reported.据《每日邮报》报导,一款可以说出的高智能女性机器人在中国展览时令人们叹为观止,她可以作出65款非常丰富的面部表情。Geminoid F, using mechanical actuators underneath her rubber skin, can smile, furrow her brows and move her mouth — although she often looks rather dazed.这部机器人取名为“双子分身F号”,她体内加装了机械制动器,她的“皮肤”是橡胶的,她可以仿效人类的微笑、皱眉和咧嘴大笑等动作,尽管,她看上去有些茫然。
It can also talk and sing — playing recordings, or mouthing other peoples voices. Geminoid F was produced by Hiroshi Ishiguro, a renowned robot designer at Osaka University in Japan. Geminoid F is sale for $110,000.她还可以跟人聊天、唱歌(播出录音),仿效他人的语音语调。双子分身F号是日本大阪大学著名机器人设计专家石黑浩发明者的,售价11万美金。